NEPA Compliance

Due to the broad spectrum of environmental concerns addressed by the National Environmental Policy Act, Lawhon & Associates, Inc. (L&A) maintains specialists in a variety of disciplines including ecological resources, cultural resources, hazardous materials, air and noise analyses, socioeconomic studies and public involvement. We work closely with federal agencies and their state and local partners to navigate the NEPA process and to ensure the scope and level of environmental analysis is commensurate with the nature of the project or the federal action.

As a leader in providing NEPA compliance services to Ohio’s transportation sector, our scientists and engineers have extensive experience with Federal Highway Administration, Federal Transit Administration and Federal Aviation Administration regulations and procedures. We also understand the special needs of locally-funded transportation projects, tailoring our efforts to fit the requirements of the reviewing agency and funding source. L&A continues to be prequalified in all ODOT environmental categories.


  • NEPA Documentation (CE/EA/EIS)
  • Purpose and Need
  • Air and Noise Analyses
  • Socioeconomic/Environmental Justice
  • Section 4(f)/6(f) Determinations
  • Public Involvement
  • Environmental Commitment Monitoring
  • NEPA Training