Environmental Permitting

Lawhon & Associates, Inc. provides various environmental permitting services necessary to maintain compliance with Sections 401, 402 and 404 of the Clean Water Act. Our staff maintains strong relationships with state and federal regulatory agencies which keeps us up to date on the continuously evolving water quality rules and subsequent permitting requirements. Throughout the process, our permitting specialists utilize in-house resources to compile pertinent background information to expedite interagency coordination between the regulatory agencies and other state and federal stakeholders during the permit application review. By utilizing this in-house expertise, our staff has successfully prepared and negotiated several applications on behalf of our clients to authorize their project in an expedited manner. Following receipt of permits, our environmental staff can provide construction monitoring, if desired, to ensure compliance with any special conditions stated within the permit.


  • Waterway Permitting (404/401/Floodplain)
  • ODOT Environmental Compliance
  • SWPPP/SPCC Plans
  • NPDES Permitting