Ecological Resources

Lawhon & Associates, Inc. maintains a dedicated staff of multi-disciplined scientists focused on wetlands/stream assessments, threatened/endangered species surveys, regulatory permitting and ecological restoration and mitigation. Our team provides the ecological services required at every project phase, from site selection to detailed design and construction. We have experience and extensive knowledge of agency procedures and sampling techniques to ensure that our fieldwork and technical deliverables are accurate and comprehensive. Each scientist has been trained and certified by OEPA, ODNR, USACE, USFWS and other agencies to ensure up-to-date procedural and regulatory compliance. L&A also possesses in house GIS professionals, equipped with the latest technology, to provide accurate data for incorporation into project plans and specifications.


  • Wetland Delineations and Determinations
  • Stream Assessments
  • Threatened/Endangered Species Surveys
  • Mussel Surveys
  • Biological Assessments
  • Waterway Permitting (404/401/Floodplain)
  • Wetland/Stream Restoration
  • Mitigation Design and Monitoring
  • Water Quality Sampling
  • GPS/GIS Mapping