L&A Celebrates 30th Anniversary in 2015
Dr. William T. Lawhon, a family man, military veteran, scientist at Battelle Memorial Institute and entrepreneur, founded Lawhon & Associates in ...


Wetland Delineation/Determination

3-Inch Water Main Development


This project involved the installation of a three (3) inch water main as part of a wastewater treatment plant development project. Lawhon was contracted to perform a wetland delineation of the existing utility right-of-way and adjacent agricultural fields and forested areas. The scope of services included a desktop review of existing mapping and resources and a field investigation of a 23 acre area to identify potentially jurisdictional wetlands or streams that may be impacted by the proposed project. One stream/ditch and one wetland were identified, the latter of which was expected to be impacted by the project. L&A prepared a report of findings, including its professional opinion that any impacts to this wetland may require authorization under Sections 404 and 401 of the Clean Water Act.