Hazardous Materials Field Verification
Abatement Design/Specifications
Onsite Monitoring
Clearance Sampling

East Quad Renovation and Demolition


As part of the Design-Build Team, L&A was selected to be the hazardous materials consultant for the renovation of Collins Hall, Dennison Hall, Erickson Hall, Dorsey Hall, McBride Hall, Symmes Hall and the North Chiller Building. Buried utility areas and spaces in Wilson Hall and the Marcum Center were added during the construction phase.L&A reviewed historical hazardous materials survey reports and conducted confirmatory walkthroughs to identify and quantify hazardous materials present within the facilities. L&A completed fieldwork at non-peak times to minimize impact to building occupants. Because these building dormitories house a high level of students and RA’s, a heavy emphasis was placed on planning and executing non-disruptive inspections.A complete abatement specification was prepared for inclusion in the demolition package to address a wide range of asbestos containing materials, as well as mercury containing-thermostats and equipment, light bulbs and ballasts assumed to contain mercury and PCBs. To expedite the schedule, abatement was broken out into two separate contracts with two separate abatement contractors. L&A provided onsite monitoring during abatement activities and, because we are PAT round proficient at analyzing PCM samples, completed same day analysis of clearance samples with our mobile scope allowing the abatement time frame to be reduced.