L&A Celebrates 30th Anniversary in 2015
Dr. William T. Lawhon, a family man, military veteran, scientist at Battelle Memorial Institute and entrepreneur, founded Lawhon & Associates in ...


Ecological Survey
Section 404 Nationwide Permit
Agency Coordination

Atwood Lake Trail and Bridge, Phase 2


This project involves the completion of a trail and a pedestrian bridge across Atwood Lake to connect the marina to the welcome center, as well as the construction of a kayak launch path to the lake. L&A, in a subconsultant role, performed an ecological survey, which followed methods outlined on the Ohio Department of Transportation 2014 Ecological Manual, to identify potentially jurisdictional waters and the presence of any federal and state listed species or their suitable habitat along the proposed corridors. L&A determined, based on the proposed impacts to the resources identified, that the project met the conditions of Nationwide Permit 42 – Recreational Facilities. L&A prepared the Section 404 Permit Application (PCN) and led agency coordination activities. The PCN was approved by the USACE Huntington District in less than 30 days.