L&A Celebrates 30th Anniversary in 2015
Dr. William T. Lawhon, a family man, military veteran, scientist at Battelle Memorial Institute and entrepreneur, founded Lawhon & Associates in ...


Level 1 Ecological Survey
Threatened & Endangered Species Surveys
Mussel Surveys


Categorical Exclusion (CE) Document
Asbestos Surveys
ESA Screenings
Section 106 RFR
Section 4(f) Determinations
Waterway Permitting

Ohio Bridge Partnership Program


The Ohio Bridge Partnership Program (OBPP) was developed by the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) to assist counties and cities throughout Ohio with replacement of structurally deficient bridges on the local roadway system. L&A currently serves as the lead environmental firm for two of the three teams selected to provide design and engineering services. Additionally, L&A has provided services for OBPP projects through two ODOT District on call agreements. To date, we have completed a wide range of environmental tasks, tailored to the specific needs of each project site, at 67 bridge locations across the state. At all but three of those locations, L&A has completed Level 1 ecological surveys. Each survey involved field data collection, wetland delineation, stream surveys, threatened/endangered species habitat reviews, identification of potential habitat for Indiana and Northern Long-eared bat and habitat and presence/absence surveys for mussel species. In selected counties, this work also included surveys for endangered Running Buffalo Clover. Comprehensive survey reports and associated mapping, tailored to ODOT requirements, were prepared for each assignment. Projects have required rapid turnaround times, ranging from one week to 45 days.