L&A Celebrates 30th Anniversary in 2015
Dr. William T. Lawhon, a family man, military veteran, scientist at Battelle Memorial Institute and entrepreneur, founded Lawhon & Associates in ...


Quantitative PM 2.5 Analysis
Quantitative MSAT Analysis


Categorical Exclusion
Level 1 Ecological Survey
ESA Screening
Permit Determination Request

Interstate I-70 Reconstruction


This Interstate 70 Reconstruction Project involves resurfacing and major reconstruction from Hilliard-Rome Road to just west of Wilson Road in Franklin County, Ohio. In our role as the lead environmental consultant for the project, L&A was tasked with completing a Quantitative PM2.5 Hot Spot analysis and a Mobile Source Air Toxics (MSAT) analysis for both the Build and No Build alternatives. L&A utilized the Motor Vehicle Emissions Simulator program (MOVES) and AERMOD Modeling System to evaluate regional traffic and weather data and estimate project-specific Emissions. It was determined that the project was in conformance with PM2.5 requirements and would also result in a negligible difference in MSAT effects. This was one of the first projects to utilize the new MOVES program in EPA Region 5. L&A maintained constant communications with representatives from ODOT’s Office of Environmental Services (OES) and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) throughout data analysis and evaluation.